Cluster Faith Formation Commission

Trinity Cluster Faith Formation Commission

Nature and Function

Section 1. This Commission is a governing body operating formation and education programs for St. Bridget Parish in Postville, St. Patrick Parish in Monona, & St. Mary Parish in McGregor, subject to the policies and regulations that proceed from the Archdiocesan Faith Formation Commission and the Archdiocesan Office of Faith Formation and Education. The Faith Formation Commission serves as a cluster committee of the Cluster Pastoral Council of the member parishes according to the Cluster Pastoral Council Guidelines.

Section 2. The Cluster Faith Formation Commission shall be responsible for all aspects of the formal catechetical and faith formation programs in light of the six task of catechesis.

Section 3. The commission shall implement at the cluster level the policies and regulations of the Archdiocesan Faith Formation Commission and the Office of Faith Formation and Education. In the development of its policies, the Faith Formation Commission must insure that these follow the intent and spirit of the established policies of the Archdiocesan Faith Formation Commission.

Section 4. The commission is the voice of the parish communities of the cluster in catechetical planning, goal setting, and policy development in accord with the intent and spirit of the Archdiocesan Faith Formation Commission.


a. To develop and implement a comprehensive catechetical plan that supports the six tasks of catechesis
1) promotion of knowledge of the faith,
2) liturgical education,
3) moral formation,
4) teaching to pray,
5) education for community life, and
6) missionary initiation.
b. To implement the directives of the General Directory for Catechesis, the National Directory for Catechesis, and applicable archdiocesan policies in regard to the defined areas of catechesis: adults, elderly, young adults, adolescents, children of catechetical age, early childhood, family, persons with disabilities, and the marginalized.
c. To develop ongoing goals and objectives based upon the needs of the parishioners which are supportive of the teaching mission of the church and directives of the Archbishop.
d. To set policies in conjunction with archdiocesan directives and in collaboration with the Faith Formation Leader(s) (CRE, youth ministry director, adult faith formation director, etc.) for their respective programs.
e. To develop, oversee and review the cluster faith formation budget and annual financial reports according to archdiocesan directives.
f. To collaborate with the Parish(es) Finance Council(s), presenting its proposed budget, for review and approval.
g. To employ personnel according to archdiocesan policy.
h.  To receive regular reports from those responsible for each area of catechesis.
i.  To select a member of the commission to be an ex-officio voting member of the cluster pastoral council.
j. To invite, support, and recognize the gifts of trained volunteers within catechetical programs.
k. To practice stewardship of resources, by collaborating with neighboring parishes, clusters, deaneries, etc. when appropriate.