Cluster Pastoral Council
Trinity Cluster Council
The Cluster Pastoral Council offers counsel to and collaborates with the pastor to provide the long-range planning which will guide the cluster toward its future.
To facilitate a process by which the mission of the cluster is determined and to serve as stewards of that mission.
To build an identity as a cluster, creating an atmosphere among the member parishes which values the common good.
To facilitate among the member parishes the development of a unified community of faith.
Membership consists of those who are ex officio and of registered parishioners who are elected or appointed as delineated in the bylaws.
1. The pastor presides over the Cluster Pastoral Council.
2. Other officers are: the chair, the vice chair, and the secretary. Note: A recorder may be appointed from outside the membership of the council to take minutes, but s/he is neither an officer nor a voting member.
Chair: Julie Heitland
Vice Chair:
Secretary: Mary Sass
Parish Civil Corporations
President: Archbishop Michael O. Jackels, S.T.D.
Vice President: Msgr. Thomas E. Toale, Ph.D.
Secretary: Father Chris Podhajsky
Trinity Cluster Pastoral Council Membership
Father Christopher Podhajsky, Pastor
St. Patrick Parish Rep
James Moritz
Mary Sass
St. Bridget Parish Rep
Dave Koopman
Julie Heitland
St. Mary Parish Rep
Karol Nelson
Meaghan Schneider
Cluster Liturgy Committee Rep
Terri Strutt
Cluster Faith Formation Commission Rep
John Winter
Cluster Social Justice Rep
Lilia Tinderholt
Cluster Stewardship Rep