The Sacrament of Confirmation Process
The Sacrament of Confirmation completes the grace of Baptism and infuses the seven-fold gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated as a cluster-wide event, often with the Archbishop as the presider and homilist. This sacrament marks the fullness of Christian initiation and calls those who receive it to go out into the world sharing the Good News of Christ's love. Please contact the Office of Faith Formation at (563) 539-4442 to inquire about the Cluster Confirmation Process.
Adults who wish to be confirmed in the Catholic Church do so through a process of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Trough reading of the Scriptures, regular participation in the Eucharist, and works of service, an adult grows in their faith in Jesus Christ.
If you wish to join the Church at the Easter Vigil, please contact Fr. Martin for more information at 563-539-4442 or by e-mail at